Champions Of The Digital Space

At Yabsta Digital our team completely immerse themselves in all aspects of digital culture, from community management and the creation of sustained social media marketing campaigns to designing and developing effective multi-touch user interfaces for smartphones and tablets. Our mantra is to help our clients champion their products, brands, and services in the digital space.

It almost goes without saying, the Web has become an incredibly dominant medium for information exchange, commerce, and communication. We help our clients leverage the necessary tools and technologies to get the most out of their digital assets and achieve exceptional results.

Social media increasingly plays a significant role in our clients’ digital marketing efforts. We believe an active social media presence encourages stronger, more lucrative interactions between our clients, their brands, and their audience.

Facebook, often seen as a barometer for how influential the social Web has become, recently reported their monthly active users have grown to a staggering 1.11-billion people, up 23% from 901-million just 1-year earlier. Advertising revenue has similarly kept pace up to $1.25-billion in the first quarter of 2013, up 43% from $872-million in the first quarter of 2012.

Clearly we’re spending more time online, particularly with social media and we’re sharing much more about ourselves. Not surprisingly, one of the fastest growing segments of the Web, demographically speaking, are teens and millennials. The epicentre for this group: the once obscure now completely mainstream Tumblr network. Last week Yahoo! shelled out $1.1-billion U.S. to capitalize on Tumblr’s diverse mix of digital communicators, networkers, and influencers, further evidence social networks are poised to become the biggest advertising platforms of the future —that is, if you needed any proof.

The undeniable power of social media is matched by the diversity of its presentation and the audiences it attracts. With so much choice, finding the right fit for each client is the challenge, the fun, the joy. We’re pushing hard to make them all champions of the digital space.

Image Credit: Jason A. Howie (Flickr)