Love What You Do?

Yes, I concur.

If you look forward to work and even miss it on vacation; if you occasionally leave work whistling with delight and/or triumph; if your brain has figured out how to wring out regular doses of dopamine and serotonin while delivering ever-increasing value; if you look back with pride at what you have learned and built and achieved, if you regularly tap into your creative happy place … hell, your life is already better than 99.99% of all the humans who have ever labored and lived. Don’t underestimate the magnitude of your achievement, and don’t assume it will always be there waiting for you to just pick it right back up again.


Though, wouldn’t say I “miss it” while on vacation. Everything else? Yeah, totally.
Time off — more specifically quality time away from screens (phone, Internet, social media, email…) — is something we should all covet.